AUSTIN, Texas (IPN)-- The U.S. military is secretly deploying hundreds of highly trained technical and special operations soldiers in areas near Venezuela, in an bold move to further undermine President Hugo Chavez and his regional allies.
According to anonymous military sources, the U.S. is funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into the area to influence regional politics; while creating economic and social pressure on the Chavez government--especially during Venezuela's upcoming local and regional elections.
"An assassination or coup attempt against Chavez is not out of the realm of possibility in the next few months," the sources say. "There is a great fear that when Fidel Castro dies, Chavez will go all out to support the Cuban government against possible civil unrest fueled by direct and indirect U.S. intervention."
U.S. intelligence officials worry that Chavez will rush military and financial aid to Cuba--possibly even "volunteers" -- to bolster the Communist government. Their worries are compounded by the fact that Chavez has embarked on a massive weapons procurement campaign over the past 18 months, "in anticipation of what?," the sources say.
Furthermore, they say, his coziness with Iran could open the door to the infiltration of terrorists into the region, with Venezuela acting as a springboard for terrorists launching reprisals against U.S. interests if Iran is attacked.
The assassination is Chavez has become a secret priority of the Bush administration that believes Chavez a potential facilitator 0f an eventual terrorist attack on U.S. soil, if not an outright threat to U.S. dominance in influence in the region.
Already, the CIA and U.S. military has begun a massive campaign to undermine the government of Bolivian socialist President Evo Morales, through the secret massive support of opposition groups and a U.S. inspired movement to create autonomous provinces. The moves are seen as protecting U.S. interests in the country, especially as it affects the oil and natural gas production, deemed too important to be left in the hands of an "out of control" socialist political leader.
Meanwhile, the recent attack against Colombian guerrillas in Ecuador is further escalating regional tensions, as intelligence allegedly gathered in the aftermath of the attack which killed at least 24, indicate that Chavez is supporting the Colombian guerrilla movement Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, (FARC).
The alleged massive support of the FARC by Venezuela is seen by U.S. officials as support of a "terrorist organization," capable, some believe, of gaining access to weapons of mass destruction, and therefore justifying U.S. military and CIA intervention under the Bush administration's post 9-11 "War on Terrorism" policy.
Already there have been reports that 120 pounds of uranium has been found in a FARC safe house near Bogota, reportedly located with the help of computers captured following the attack on the Ecuadorian FARC base. But much of what has been reported by the international and Colombian corporate media has been dismissed as little more that a sophisticated disinformation campaign aimed at further undermining the Chavez government and its allies.